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Clean Space: 20 Effective Methods to Eliminate Toilet Odors

The smell of the bathroom is one of the most annoying issues for households, not only causing discomfort but also potentially affecting the health of family members. Therefore, finding effective solutions to eliminate bathroom odors is a concern for many. Follow the article below to find answers to this problem.

Recognizing the risks posed by bathroom odors and understanding the concerns of many people about how to deal with them, today Admin will introduce 21 simple and practical methods to eliminate bathroom odors. Let’s refer to and apply these “tips” to keep your bathroom always fresh and pleasant!

1. What causes bathroom odors?

Here are some of the reasons why bathrooms can smell bad. See if you are experiencing any of these causes:

1.1. Bathroom odors due to infrequent cleaning

This is one of the main reasons for odors in the bathroom. On average, a person uses the bathroom at least 5-7 times a day, not to mention households with many members. Therefore, if the bathroom is not cleaned daily, odors from waste can easily linger and accumulate, making the odor worse over time.

1.2. Bathroom odors due to clogged pipes

As a part that transports waste from the bathroom to storage tanks, if the pipes are clogged, it means that the waste cannot flow freely and gets trapped in the pipes. The trapped waste will decompose and produce odors. Since they cannot escape, they will backflow into the bathroom, making it extremely unpleasant.

1.3. Bathroom odors due to full septic tanks

A full septic tank is also one of the reasons for bathroom odors. If there is too much waste but the septic tank is not emptied in time, the pressure will increase, bringing with it unpleasant odors from the septic tank overflowing and spreading throughout the bathroom.

1.4. Bathroom odors due to design issues

Bathrooms designed too tightly, without windows or ventilation holes, are the reasons why odors cannot escape and get trapped. Or it could be due to improper toilet installation or loose pipe joints, which can allow odors to escape and spread throughout the house.

2. Eliminating bathroom odors with simple methods

Below are 21 simple methods to eliminate bathroom odors that anyone can do:

2.1. Eliminating bathroom odors with vinegar

Vinegar is not only a familiar spice in the kitchen but also very effective in eliminating bathroom odors. The method is simple: pour some vinegar into a small cup and place it in the bathroom. It will automatically absorb odors and moisture. Alternatively, for quicker results, you can mix vinegar and water in a 1:1 ratio, heat the mixture, then place it in the bathroom. The steam will carry the vinegar to the nooks and crannies in the bathroom, eliminating unpleasant odors.

2.2. Eliminating bathroom odors with lemons

Lemons, another familiar fruit used as a seasoning in the kitchen, not only have high antibacterial properties but also have a refreshing scent. Using lemons to eliminate bathroom odors is a method that many people apply because it is simple and economical. To do this, squeeze about a cup of lemon juice and pour it into a spray bottle, then spray it into the bathroom. The essential oils in lemons will absorb odors and at the same time spread a refreshing lemon scent.

2.3. Eliminating bathroom odors with orange and grapefruit peels

The peels of these fruits contain many essential oils. You can use them to effectively eliminate bathroom odors. First, peel the outer skin of these fruits, then dry them in the sun. When needed, simply burn them. The fragrance from the essential oils in the peels will spread throughout the bathroom, gently eliminating unpleasant odors and bringing a fresh, pleasant scent.

2.4. Eliminating bathroom odors with baking soda and salt

This is called a “perfect pair” for cleaning and odor elimination. Baking soda and salt not only whiten and disinfect but also absorb moisture and effectively eliminate odors. To apply this method, mix salt and baking soda in a 1:1 ratio, then add a little warm water to make a thick paste. Then pour this mixture into places where odors occur, such as the toilet bowl, drain, etc., and scrub. After cleaning, your bathroom will no longer have foul odors. If used daily, it will keep the toilet always fresh and cool.

2.5. Eliminating bathroom odors with air fresheners

Air fresheners are specialized products for eliminating odors in rooms. You can easily buy these products at any store or grocery store. Air fresheners come in many models and scents for you to choose from. As for the effectiveness of odor elimination, rest assured, they will quickly dispel bathroom odors and return a fresh, cool space.

2.6. Eliminating bathroom odors with scented wax

Similar to air fresheners, scented wax is very effective in eliminating bathroom odors. With a compact design and self-acting mechanism, you just need to buy it, remove the outer shell, adjust the lid of the scented wax box to adjust the scent intensity as desired. Then place it in a corner of the bathroom, and it will automatically eliminate odors and spread a pleasant fragrance, bringing comfort and freshness to you when using the bathroom. However, these are products with artificial fragrances made from chemicals, so if used for a long time, they may have adverse effects on health.

2.7. Eliminating bathroom odors with ginger

Ginger also has a very pleasant natural essential oil, so using ginger to eliminate odors is also a very effective method. To eliminate bathroom odors with ginger, we buy whole ginger roots, trim off some of the leaves, and may crush the head to make it easier for the essential oils to spread. Then tie them into a bundle and hang them in the bathroom. Alternatively, you can boil a pot of water, then crush the ginger and add it to the pot to steam in the bathroom. The ginger fragrance will easily spread to eliminate unpleasant odors in your toilet.

2.8. Eliminating bathroom odors with essential oils

The fragrance of essential oils makes people feel very relaxed and comfortable. The oil particles in essential oils also have a very good ability to absorb odors. To treat bathroom odors with essential oils, simply buy a bottle of essential oil, open the lid, and place it in the bathroom. The fragrance will automatically spread and eliminate foul odors, returning your bathroom to a fresh, comfortable space.

2.9. Eliminating bathroom odors with camphor oil

Camphor oil has a very strong fragrance that is sure to overpower any unpleasant odors in the bathroom. Just a few drops of camphor oil on a cotton ball, then placed in a corner of the bathroom, or simply open the camphor oil bottle and place it on a shelf in the bathroom. The strong and pungent scent of camphor oil will overpower and eliminate odors in the toilet, making your bathroom smell fresh and clean. Note: Consult with household members before use, as not everyone may find the smell of camphor oil pleasant.

2.10. Eliminating bathroom odors with laundry detergent

As a specialized cleaning agent for clothes, laundry detergent is also very effective in cleaning and odor elimination. It also has a very concentrated fragrance that can effectively eliminate odors in the bathroom. To use laundry detergent to eliminate bathroom odors, you can pour a little detergent into a bowl, add some warm water, and place it in the bathroom. The fragrance from the detergent will spread and eliminate unpleasant odors, bringing a refreshing scent to your bathroom.

2.11. Eliminating bathroom odors with activated carbon

Activated carbon is known as an excellent absorbent of odors, toxins, and harmful gases. It is widely used in air purification and deodorizing. To eliminate bathroom odors with activated carbon, you can buy activated carbon bags available in the market and place them in the bathroom. The activated carbon particles will absorb and eliminate odors, leaving your bathroom fresh and clean.

2.12. Eliminating bathroom odors with mothballs

Mothballs are also effective in eliminating bathroom odors. They contain chemicals that evaporate slowly, emitting a pungent smell that effectively eliminates odors. To use mothballs to eliminate bathroom odors, simply put a few mothballs in a small cup and place them in the bathroom. The smell will automatically spread and eliminate foul odors, bringing a fresh scent to your bathroom.

2.13. Eliminating bathroom odors with charcoal

Similar to activated carbon, charcoal also has a very good ability to absorb odors and harmful gases. To eliminate bathroom odors with charcoal, you can buy charcoal bags available in the market and place them in the bathroom. The charcoal particles will absorb and eliminate odors, leaving your bathroom fresh and clean. Alternatively, you can also use charcoal briquettes, put them in a bowl, and place them in the bathroom.

2.14. Eliminating bathroom odors with fresh flowers

Fresh flowers not only bring a fresh and pleasant fragrance to the bathroom but also have a very good ability to absorb odors. To eliminate bathroom odors with fresh flowers, you can buy a bouquet of flowers available in the market and place them in a vase in the bathroom. The fragrance from the flowers will spread and eliminate odors, leaving your bathroom fresh and clean.

2.15. Eliminating bathroom odors with incense sticks

Incense sticks have been used for centuries in many cultures for their aromatic properties and ability to cleanse the air. To eliminate bathroom odors with incense sticks, simply light an incense stick and let it burn for a few minutes in the bathroom. The fragrance from the incense stick will spread and eliminate odors, leaving your bathroom fresh and clean.

2.16. Eliminating bathroom odors with potpourri

Potpourri is a mixture of dried flowers, herbs, and spices that are used to add a pleasant fragrance to a room. To eliminate bathroom odors with potpourri, simply place a bowl of potpourri in the bathroom. The fragrance from the potpourri will spread and eliminate odors, leaving your bathroom fresh and clean.

2.17. Eliminating bathroom odors with scented candles

Scented candles are another popular method for eliminating bathroom odors. To eliminate bathroom odors with scented candles, simply light a scented candle and let it burn for a few minutes in the bathroom. The fragrance from the scented candle will spread and eliminate odors, leaving your bathroom fresh and clean.

2.18. Eliminating bathroom odors with vanilla extract

Vanilla extract has a sweet and pleasant fragrance that can effectively eliminate bathroom odors. To eliminate bathroom odors with vanilla extract, simply pour a few drops of vanilla extract onto a cotton ball and place it in the bathroom. The fragrance from the vanilla extract will spread and eliminate odors, leaving your bathroom fresh and clean.

2.19. Eliminating bathroom odors with potash

Potash, also known as potassium carbonate, is a white salt that is used in the production of soap and glass. It has a strong alkaline property that can effectively neutralize acidic odors in the bathroom. To eliminate bathroom odors with potash, simply dissolve some potash in water and spray it around the bathroom. The alkaline properties of the potash will neutralize acidic odors, leaving your bathroom fresh and clean.

2.20. Eliminating bathroom odors with coffee grounds

Coffee grounds have a strong and pleasant fragrance that can effectively eliminate bathroom odors. To eliminate bathroom odors with coffee grounds, simply place a bowl of coffee grounds in the bathroom. The fragrance from the coffee grounds will spread and eliminate odors, leaving your bathroom fresh and clean.

2.21. Eliminating bathroom odors with baking powder

Baking powder, also known as sodium bicarbonate, is a white powder that is used as a leavening agent in baking. It has a strong alkaline property that can effectively neutralize acidic odors in the bathroom. To eliminate bathroom odors with baking powder, simply sprinkle some baking powder around the bathroom. The alkaline properties of the baking powder will neutralize acidic odors, leaving your bathroom fresh and clean.


In addition to the 21 simple and effective methods to eliminate bathroom odors that Admin has introduced, there are still many other methods that you can apply. However, the most important thing is to maintain hygiene and cleanliness in the bathroom, clean it regularly, and check the plumbing system to ensure that it is working properly. With these simple methods, you can easily eliminate bathroom odors and enjoy a fresh and pleasant bathroom space.

Cre: ruthamcauquan